PMA Meeting Minutes 2/28/2023

Norwood PMA Meeting 2/28/2023

Oldham Elementary School  7-8:30 p.m.


Kelly Farewell

Wendy Keats

Eneida Shkurti

Linda Lee

Steve Lee

Jane Yu

Jane Doherty

Kim Smith

Karen Guarin

Mike Guarin

Siuyien Mathews

Jeff Kerr

President Kim Smith discussed the PMA scholarships.  Potentially change from scholarship to award and not require transcript from first semester of college.  Need input from current high school music teachers on how many awards there need to be each year since class size and music participation varies.  Range is up to 10 award (between $500-$1,000) in addition to the Paul Alberta instrumental award and the choral award (to be renamed after Cathy Connor-Moen). Jeff Kerr will get in touch with Cathy to alert her.  Kim updated the Google form for the application, due my April 1, 2023.  Jeff will remind high school music teachers to tell their senior students to apply.  Guidance should also be alerted.

Vice President Karen Guarin gave an update on the January semi-formal.  About 90 students attended, and all went smoothly at Four Points  Some discussion about whether this is a school event or a PMA sponsored event (difference changes rules and liability, so future events need to have this ironed out ahead of time). May need formal contracts for behavior, if leaving early, etc.  If it is a school sponsored event, formal school rules apply, parents need to be contacted if a student doesn’t attend or leaves early. Google form to indicate interest in the event worked well.

2/16 Jazz Classic went very well.  Will use left over concessions to sell at upcoming MAJE finals in March. Mostly for this event, feeding the bands, not the attendees.

Many events coming up that will require parent and student volunteers.  3/25 MAJE state finals at NHS and CMS.  MICCA preview concert on 3/14.  3/31 and 4/1 is the MICCA choral festival. (3/31 is instrumental MICCA festival elsewhere, but all the instrumental students will be unavailable to help on 3/31.) For choral festival, will try to avoid having all groups enter through front (may direct through door 14 as has been done with instrumental festivals to keep traffic flowing better in entrance of school and avoid a large crowd). May have some concessions in the front as well as in cafeteria for choral festival. 5/4 is Jazz Night.

Discussion of need for new board members for all positions which need to be determined in April and voted upon at May meeting (Pops night). Recruitment.  Always looking for new volunteers.

Secretary Kelly Farewell presented minutes for 1/17/23 meeting, motion was made, seconded, and approved. Discussion of continuing struggle to get emails from parents.  Steve Lee is making a new PMA pamphlet with QR code which can be distributed at elementary honors events.

Treasurer Jane Yu gave the financial report, motion was made, seconded, and approved.

Kim Smith is creating a subcommittee to look at bylaws, fundraising, spending goals. Anyone interested in participating should email Kim.

Ways and Means coordinator Linda Lee discussed fundraisers.  Fun Pasta goes through 3/23/23.  Car Wash is 5/20/23 8:30-1.  Chateau is 3/30/23. Chipotle is 6/7.

Fine Arts Director Jeff Kerr gave an update on the ACDA festival that went well.  Jennifer Hartnett took four students there.  Discussed reimbursement.  NAFME All East festival is in Rochester in April.  Discussion of Camp Tapawingo again, and may need PMA support. Need to ensure teachers are appropriately paid to participate, and Jeff is trying to work that into the budget for the future.  Likely will open opportunity to marching band, chorus, and drama students this year.  Will be week of 8/13.  Final decision hasn’t been made on whether it will be Camp Tapawingo in Maine, but Jeff’s research about hosting it elsewhere or closer didn’t produce any viable alternatives. Renamed the Jazz Classic to the Paul Alberta Norwood Jazz Classic.

Meeting adjourned 8:56 p.m.

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