Norwood Parents Music Association, Inc.
By Laws
April 13, 2022
Table of Contents:
Article I Corporation
Article II Purpose
Article III Membership
Article IV Membership Meetings
Article V Officers and Elections
Article VI Duties of Officers
Article VII Standing Committees
Article VIII Executive Board
Article IX Scholarship
Article X Other Activities
Article XI Parliamentary Authority
Article XII Amendment
Section 1.1 The name of the Corporation is NORWOOD PARENTS MUSIC ASSOCIATION, INC. herein after referred to as Norwood PMA.
Section 1.2 The principal office of the Corporation shall be located at Norwood, MA.
Section 1.3 The fiscal year of the Norwood PMA will begin September 1 to August 31.
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster, encourage and support the many aspects of music education in the Norwood Public School system, to enrich the scope of student involvement and to stimulate broad community involvement in the program.
The objective of the Norwood PMA is to assist the Director of Fine Arts in ensuring a comprehensive, high quality K-12 music education for all students in the Norwood Public Schools through fundraising, volunteer efforts, and community advocacy.
Section 2.1 The Norwood PMA will organize fundraisers to assist in supporting this objective.
Section 2.2 This non-profit Corporation shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and nonpartisan.
Section 3.1 Membership is open to all parents and/or guardians of children who are enrolled in the music program in the Norwood Public School system, plus all others who have formally expressed an interest in supporting the organization.
Section 3.2 All members have the right to address the Executive Board at regularly scheduled meetings, to introduce motions, to debate, and to hold office, except as provided herein.
Section 4.1 The Norwood PMA shall hold an annual meeting each academic year.
Section 4.2 The voting body at all annual meetings of the Norwood PMA shall consist of a minimum of 50% members of the Executive Board and all members in attendance at the annual meeting. This voting body shall constitute a quorum of members at the annual meeting.
Section 4.3 A special meeting may be called at the discretion of the President.
Section 4.4 The regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Board and the annual meeting shall be open to all members. Notice of such meetings including the place, date and hour shall be announced at a regular meeting of the Norwood PMA, published in a newspaper distributed in the Town of Norwood and/or posted on the Norwood PMA’s website at least seven days prior to any meeting.
Section 5.1 The elected board of officers of the Norwood PMA shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary. These offices may be held jointly by no more than two members or by an individual. The Director of Fine Arts shall be considered a non-elected, non-voting officer of the Norwood PMA. Elected board office positions should only be held by parents/guardians of currently enrolled Norwood Public Schools music students.
Section 5.2 The term of office for an elected officer shall be for one year and no elected officer shall be eligible to hold the same office for more than three consecutive years.
Section 5.3 The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Vice President and consisting of at least 2 other committee members, will be responsible for submitting, at least one month (April) before the annual meeting, a slate of officers to be voted upon and elected at the annual meeting. The newly elected officers and chairpersons will begin their transition as of July 1 and will assume their full duties as of September 1 of the same year. Should there be more than one nomination for any given elected office, the nominating committee will publicize a preliminary ballot vote, which will be held one month (April) before the annual meeting. A majority vote of the Executive Board and all voting members present at the preliminary ballot vote will dictate the slate of officers to be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Section 5.4 The Nominating Committee may also submit the names of Standing Committee Chairpersons as defined in Article VII, Section 7.2, one month before the annual meeting.
Section 5.5 All elections shall be made by a vote with the showing of hands and an elected board member shall cast one ballot at the annual meeting.
Section 5.6 Vacancies occurring in offices shall be filled by the Executive Board for the unexpired time, with the exception of the offices of President and Vice President, those of which will be filled under Article VI, Sections 6.1 and 6.2.
Section 6.1 The President shall (i) preside over the monthly meetings of the Executive board as well as the Annual Meeting; (ii) act as the official spokesperson and representative of the Corporation, (iii) appoint individuals to do special projects and create ad hoc committees and task forces as needed; and (iv) may be a participating member of any committee. The position of President shall be held by only one person.
Section 6.2 The Vice President shall (i) assist in the duties of the presidential office; (ii) act in place of the President in the event of the President’s absence; (iii) assume the duties of the President, should the office of the President be vacated. Any Vice President who completes the presidential term of a President, who vacates the Presidency prior to the end of his/her term, shall be eligible to be elected to the office of President for an additional term, not to exceed three consecutive terms. Should the office of Vice President become vacant, the Executive Board members will be notified. At that time, interested members should submit their name to the elected Board of officers for consideration for appointment. Any person who completes the term of Vice President shall be eligible to be elected to the office of Vice President for an additional term, not to exceed three consecutive terms.
Section 6.3 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Norwood PMA and the Executive Board and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to this office by the elected officers of the Board.
Section 6.4 The Treasurer is a financial expert, providing paid professional services. The Treasurer shall (i) receive all monies of the Norwood PMA; (ii) shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures; (iii) collect, receive and disburse all money subject to the approval of the Executive Board; and (iv) shall prepare an end-of-the-year report. The Treasurer shall report a statement of accounts at every meeting of the Norwood PMA and Executive Board, plus make a full report available to all members upon request. Further, all checks are to carry the signatures of both the President and Treasurer. The Treasurer may be hired by the Executive Board and compensated to perform these duties. If the Treasurer is hired by the Executive Board, that individual should have the appropriate professional credentials to perform the stated duties. The position of Treasurer shall be held by only one person or entity.
Section 6.5 The Director of Ways and Means shall coordinate the Corporation’s fund raising activities contingent upon the Executive Board’s approval of such activities.
Section 7.1 Committee Membership: Each committee shall consist of a chairperson and other committee member(s) as needed, with the exception of the nominating committee. See Article V, Section 5.3. All committee memberships shall be voluntary. The committee shall be under the direction of the Executive Board and shall assume such duties that are specified in these by-laws or as assigned to them by the Executive Board. Each committee shall review its functions annually, then submit an annual report to the Executive Board.
Section 7.2 The standing committees of the Norwood PMA will be posted annually on the PMA website. (
Section 7.3 Ad hoc committees may also be appointed per section 6.1 as the need arises.
Section 7.4 All Standing and Ad Hoc Committees may be chaired individually or jointly.
Section 8.1 The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Ways and Means, and the chairperson of each standing committee. The immediate past president and the Director of Fine Arts shall be ex-officio members, with only the past president having voting privileges.
Section 8.2 It is the duty of the elected officers and the Director of Fine Arts to transact urgent and necessary business (business with a deadline that falls between regularly scheduled board meetings) should the need arise. The President shall convene special meetings.
Section 8.3 The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of eight times per year. A majority vote of the quorum (>50%) of the individuals holding Executive Board positions is necessary to pass or reject the motions presented. All members of the Executive Board, with the exception of the Director of Fine Arts, shall have a vote on all motions presented to and/or by the Board.
Section 8.4 All members of the Executive Board, with exception of the Director of Fine Arts, shall have a vote on all motions presented to and/or by the Board. A majority vote of the quorum present is necessary to pass or reject the motion presented.
Section 9.1 The Scholarship Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and the Director of Fine Arts. In the event a Committee person’s son/daughter or relative is applying for a scholarship, said committee person shall step down and be replaced by an appointee of the remaining elected board of officers.
Section 9.2 The Scholarship Committee will meet with the Director of Fine Arts two months (March) prior to the annual meeting to discuss the selection process and establish the number of scholarships and their monetary value. The proposed scholarships will then be presented to the Executive Board for an approval vote one month (April) prior to the annual meeting
Section 10.1 All activities must be approved by the Executive Board prior to the Corporation’s commitment and must support the purpose and objectives of the Organization.
Section 10.2 These laws shall govern all corporation activities initiated in good faith.
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall govern this Corporation in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-laws.
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present; previous notice of such proposed amendment changes having been given at a regular meeting of the Corporation, published in a newspaper distributed in the Town of Norwood, or posted on the Corporation’s website.