About PMA
The purpose of the Parents Music Association shall be to foster, encourage and support the many aspects of music education in the Norwood Public School system, to enrich the scope of student involvement and to stimulate broad community involvement in the program. The objective of the PMA is to help provide high quality music education to the students of the Norwood Public School system by assisting the Director of Fine Arts in the promotion and achievement of educational and performance excellence.
*If your child is involved in the Norwood Public Schools Music Program, then you are a member of the Norwood PMA. Help support the children in the Music Program. We are always looking for new ideas.
The Parents Music Association was founded in 1974. The Norwood PMA has been a key component in the development and maintenance of the excellent music program in the Norwood Public Schools. The PMA helps to provide funding and manpower that enables our performing groups to participate in State and National competitions. PMA members serve as coordinators for music camp, providing students with week-long retreat in Maine for intensive preparation for coming season. They maintain and facilitate the distribution of uniforms and equipment and chaperone each concert performance. Each year, Norwood hosts major competitions for choral, jazz, and marching band groups attended by students from all over Massachusetts . Fundraising by the PMA supports the music camp, helps to provide equipment and pays for adult chaperones when groups travel. In addition, the PMA supports a major scholarship program to assist students from the music program as they continue their college educations.
All PMA Monthly Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month.
Contact: meetings@norwoodpma.org for Zoom info and to get added to our email list.
The public is welcome!
PMA Board Members for 2023-24
Co-Presidents: Wendy Keats and Eneida Shkurti
Vice President: Gigi Michalec
Secretary: Sherri Munro
Treasurer: Dany Abdallah
Ways & Means and Special Fundraising Committee: Steve and Linda Lee
MICAA Marching Band Classic Coordinator: Kim Smith
MAJE Jazz Classic: Kim Smith
Jazz Night: Karen Guarin and Gigi Michalec
MAJE Jazz States:
MICCA Choral Classic: Siuyien Mathews
Performance Coordinator – Instrumental:
Performance Coordinator – Choral: Siuyien Mathews
Performance Coordinator – Jazz Performance:
Performance and Equipment Coordinator – Marching Band: Steve Lee
Marching Band Uniform Coordinator: Siuyien Mathews
Color Guard Performance, Equipment and Uniform Coordinator: Siuyien Mathews
Summer Music Camp Activities: Wendy Keats, Eneida Shkurti, Carol Hart, Linda Lee, Sherri Munro
Coakley Middle School Coordinator:
All-Town Elementary School Coordinator:
Database & Publicity:
PMA Merchandise:
Social Media:
Technology Systems: Daniel Caparrotta
Webmaster: Daniel Caparrotta
Fundraising is an integral part of the Parents Music Association. Funding is used to support the Music Program in all grade levels; to purchase student awards, fund music clinicians, Senior Awards Banquet, guest artists, music camp & student scholarship. Fundraising projects include:
Car wash, Raffles, Music Sponsorship, Golf Tournament, Pops Concert, Jazz Classic, Marching Band Competition, Pie Sale, Merchandise sale
Merchandise can be purchased at PMA events or by contacting a Ways & Means PMA board member.
Mailing Address:
245 Nichols St.
c/o Director of Fine Arts
Norwood, MA 02062