Norwood PMA Meeting 9/20/2022
Norwood High School Library 7-8:30 p.m.
Kelly Farewell (note taker)
Karen and Mike Guarin
Kim Smith
Jeff Kerr
Jane Yu
Eneida Shkurti
Wendy Keats
Sherri Munro
Siuyien Mathews
Steve Conant
- Welcome & Introductions: President Kim Smith led, and all attendees introduced themselves, indicated their students’ connections to the Fine Arts program, and described the positions they’ve held in connection to the music program. “Families make music together” being the new brand for PMA. Overall theme is that many of the roles are filled by parents of oldest students, many of whom are graduating. Need to cultivate parents of younger students to join and participate to keep PMA going.
- Introduction to the new Director of Fine Arts, Jeff Kerr: Jeff Kerr shared his background, and expressed his gratitude for all that the PMA parents and association does across the district. He also shared his vision for the program, how the PMA can continue to support our students, and ideas about improving participation from elementary through high school. The PMA meetings will move throughout the district over the course of the academic year to attract new families. He is interested in a revamp of the website making it more current and useful including an overview of the program, and hopefully including a link to a district-wide calendar (which has already been shared with Fine Arts faculty). He has a background in technology and can also assist PMA with updates. May want to institute “QArt codes,” with QR codes to artwork, to music, etc., and try to have field trips to live shows to inspire students. Perhaps have a “student takeover day” for social media to show a day in the life of a Fine Arts student in Norwood to generate student interest. Mrs. Moen submitted some grants before retiring, and with that 10 new instruments will be purchased (trumpet, flute, alto sax, clarinet).
- Vice President’s report: Karen Guarin reported on Norwood Day booth that the PMA hosted all day. Some merchandise sales ($260), many questions about piano lessons, but a steady stream of visitors. She also discussed having a PMA presence at NHS and Coakley open houses. We missed the opportunity to be present at the elementary school instrument distribution drive by event (roughly 300 families), but will make note of it for next year’s board to have on their calendars.
- Secretary’s report: Kelly Farewell gave a broad overview of website updates that can be done, and the group reviewed the open PMA board roles that can be filled. Updates to be made and posted to the website this week.
- Treasurer’s report: Jane Yu gave a brief treasurer’s report. The position is still in transition from the previous treasurer. We do receive funds from AmazonSmile donations. It’s posted on PMA website, but not well publicized. Motion was approved to donate to $50 to Norwood Post Prom committee brochure. Motion was approved to purchase four 4×8 vinyl props for the marching band season for a total of $600. Motion was approved to spend up to $5,000 for new merchandise to sell at events since we frequently are asked for sizes we no longer have. Confirmed that outgoing treasurer Tracey Jones will file taxes.
- President’s report: Kim Smith is building an email distribution list. Also discussed the MICCA Marching Band home show taking place 10/16/22, including the building and grounds permit, temporary food permit, donation from Costco and/or BJs and student guides (sign up sheets to Steve Conant and choral teacher). Paul Campbell will handle power. Also setting up PMA alumni mentors to show upcoming PMA members how to perform these roles. Need to get the date on the calendar for Jazz Night, and start looking into equity and the cost of the event, venue, etc.
- New business: Discussed the use of, Venmo, PayPal, and/or a QR code for donations and raffles since so many people no longer carry cash. For Home Show, Wendy Keats be in charge of 50/50 and will look into RallyUp as a non-cash option, possibly making it possible for the winner not to have to stay to end of show to be chosen as winner. Ed Ferris also has 3 SquareUp devices that can be used. Discussed social media presence and Jeff Kerr can assist with that once he is more familiar with what the district’s policy is. Attendees completed their CORI forms and Jeff can submit on their behalf.