Norwood PMA Meeting 5/12/2023 at Pops Night, Norwood High School Gymnasium
The meeting was brief, prior to the start of . President Kim Smith reminded parents of the role the PMA has, that all families of students involved in the music program are members of the Norwood PMA, and then moved on to elect board members for the upcoming academic year.
Board members for the 2023-2024 academic year were nominated and elected at the meeting:
Co-Presidents: Wendy Keats and Eneida Shkurti
Vice President: Virginia “Gigi” Michalec
Secretary: Sherri Munro
Treasurer: Dany Abdallah
Later in the program, Jeff Kerr, on behalf of the Norwood PMA announced the winners of the Paul M. Alberta and Catherine Connor-Moen scholarships.