Norwood PMA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, January 02, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Norwood High School Library (moved from Prescott Elementary Library)
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm with a quorum present.
Wendy Keats and Eneida Shkurti (Co-Presidents), Gigi Michalec (Vice President), Dany Abdallah (Treasurer), Sherri Munro (Secretary), Jeff Kerr (Director of Fine Arts), Steven Lee, Katie Neal-Rizzo
Welcome & Introductions of new joiners
- Welcome by Eneida Shkurti, PMA President
- Introductions including Katie who is joining tonight
Director of Fine Arts update
- Discuss whether we should have all meeting in one location vs moving each month
- A week worth of elementary concerts, should be on online to watch on CMN
- celtic strings and madrigal tours hit all the schools including the Willett
- high school music on Friday before break – previously all school assembly but a challenge
- 30 minutes tunes throughout halls
- 6th grade concert on the 9th band, chorus, honors chorus and jazz band
- working on how to better coordinate event
- consider broadcast concert
- A lot coming up
- Norwood Jazz classic middle of Thursday February 15th (14th dress rehearsal)
- Coordinating PMA role – parent in charge with helping
- also MICCA and MAJE
- PMA does not have a dedicated Jazz coordinator
- Need to ensure identified resources and responsibilities for future years (folder for each Marching, Jazz, etc.)
- Eneida to review Kim’s notes and share
- FIne Arts Semi-formal
- Letter pending to be passed out to teachers to pass to students with save the dates – goal to go out this Thursday ¼
- At the Four Points in the Zachariah room this year – smaller than last year – max 124 people
- Need to confirm price from last year
- Final count the 19th of January
- Invite fine arts teachers – drama, art, music
- Need PMA members (PMA sponsored event) – will provide some staff members – last year Karen and Kim, but could use more
- Do we prepare for guests outside of Fine Arts students? No due to smaller size of venue
- Consider having police detail in place – have not incurred cost before – Jeff will evaluate and see if Fine Arts can contribute
- Do we extend beyond high school students? We have not in the past. We will continue high school students only again this year.
- Money for treasurer
- Celtic strings sweatshirt money
- Madrigal fundraising
- Discussion with Steve C and Siuyen re: new uniforms – Steve C to evaluate (current uniforms 22 years old)
- Less expensive fabric now
- Ballparking ~$350/kid
- Estimate 75 uniforms
- Jeff to work on funding
- Can also evaluate overcoats as part of outfit
- Need to evaluate ways to retain 8th to 9th grade students
- Consider travel options similar to Latin
- Graduating 11 seniors this year
- Suggestion for music exchange program
- Chorus is going to travel to Boston to do a workshop at Berkley
- Consider experiences for Marching Band to participate with college marching band
- Should we revisit hosting events?
- Feedback – junior year schedules sometimes don’t allow for band and education
- Jeff meeting with guidance and discussing scheduling
PMA Secretary
- Motion to approve minutes from December 2023 PMA meeting
- seconded and approved
- Financial Report – Overview/Key points
- Reviewed statement for Dec 5th to Jan 2nd
- Question came up about spending some of the PMA funds
- need to discuss what we the PMA should support considering non-profit status
- some is used for end of year scholarships
- Poinsettias didn’t sell well this year
- loss every year
- consider selling in advance
- Tax filing submitted in December – status on acceptance/next step
- Official change of address received from Post Office
Ways & Means
- Humble Pie Christmas fundraiser completed December 18th
- Next fundraiser – Chipotle in February 28, 2024
- Considering car wash in May
- need to pick Saturday date – consider the 11th
- Do we want to move forward with mattress sale
- requires more coordination
- consider defer to summer
- Additional options:
- Hometown Arcade (in Winsmith Mall):
- $600 for Thursday night – whole town arcade – ticked covers pizza and as many games as you want – 50/50 split with PMA or you can have a party to sell tickets to
- could be an end of year as a recruiting option
- Consider TopGolf (Canton)
- Steve L. to evaluate options
- Hometown Arcade (in Winsmith Mall):
Co-Presidents/Board members:
- Fine arts Semi Friday January 26th
- Upcoming shows (see schedule)
- MB Uniform and winter/rain coat discussion (see Fine Arts Director notes)
- MB Show shirts/hoodies – order placed
- Wendy to provide updates
Other Business
- None
Motion to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 8;58 p.m.
Next meeting
- February 6th at the OLDHAM
Minutes compiled by Sherri Munro, Recording Secretary