Norwood PMA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Norwood High School Library
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm with a quorum present.
Wendy Keats (remotely) and Eneida Shkurti (Co-Presidents), Gigi Michalec (Vice President), Dany Abdallah (Treasurer), Sherri Munro (Secretary), Jeff Kerr (Director of Fine Arts), Steve Conant, Steven Lee (Ways & Means and Special Fundraising Committee), Linda Lee (Ways & Means and Special Fundraising Committee), Siuyen Matthews, Kelly Farewell, Bebhinn O’Connell, Lexa Sullivan, Kieu Wong
Welcome & Introductions of new joiners
- Welcome by Eneida Shkurti, PMA President
- Introductions including Lexa Sullivan and Kieu Wong who joined tonight
Director of Fine Arts update
- PMA Scholarships (based on last year’s agenda)
- Jeff to evaluate before providing more information
- forms go out and send back to Jeff
- Jeff to present recommendations
- PMA vote to support
- PMA Funds:
- Check from Quincy for home show to treasurer
- Keychain funds from Jen Hartnet
- Cash and checks for Fine Arts semi formal
- Bill for Norwood detail – Jeff will cover through his office
- Appreciation for PMA assistance with Fine Arts semi formal
- Also thank you to those who volunteered for the Saturday event Honors auditions
- The day went very well
- There were over 250 auditions which is near double from last year
- A lot going on the next couple of month
- Jeff to provide performance only calendar to share
- Still working on a couple of dates in May
- 6-8 spring concerts not yet on calendar
- A rehearsal calendar will be created separately as well
- MICCA preview concerts – March 19th for band/orchestra, March 20th for chorale
- Request for assistance with ticket and stage help (no concessions)
- Jeff will outline PMA asks – bring in clinicians to get prepped and ready
- Steve evaluating having clinic on stage
- Chorale – 3 groups, may consider same format
- MAJE state finals March 16th at two locations
- Chorale MICCA on April 5th/6th
- Unsure if we are able to support 3 days, therefore plan to keep the event to 2 days
- 3:40 p.m. start time – evaluating if we can add another school for 3:20 p.m.
- Request for PMA assistance as teachers have groups performing
- School ends 2:50 p.m. at high school
- It will be approximately ~20 people
- Assessment – If it is a small group, a parent can accommodate if there is space. Previously groups used high school cafeteria, but first group to arrive can go to Ms. Hartnett’s room
- PMA agrees to assist – concessions may not be available
Steve Conant update:
- Norwood Jazz classic on Thursday 2/15 is in good shape
- One band from each school
- A total of 10 bands
- All bands are scheduled – first band at 4 p.m., then every 30 minutes
- Ipswich and King Phillip live band will not perform
- Norwood performing last
- Awards will be after 9 p.m.
- There will be 4 judges – all judges going to clinic
- There will not be a chief judge this year
- Purchase orders have been provided to treasurer
- looking to use MAJE recorders
- plan for 2 recorders to make easier – Steve L. will help
- Google drive to save files
- Steve to create folders for bands
- change to 720p audio files
- better to share on Google Drive
- Art room as judges tally room
- Judges will eat in Auditorium and judges room
- boxed sandwiches last year and snacks in the room
- Judges arrive at 3:10 p.m.
- Steve C. will handle Stoughton at 4 p.m.
- General flow the same except first band in band room
- bands 2-10 chorus room → stage → band room for clinic
- Most groups staying watch and eat but may not stay for awards
- 15 – 20 students per band with 10 band
- Fees:
- We charged $8 admission last year suggest move to $10
- Continue $5 students/seniors
- We have Venmo/Paypal as payment options
- There will not be programs but instead a document with the list of bands and judges
- Steve C. to create a sign-up sheet for student volunteers
- MAJE – first show Thursday 2/29 after vacation
- MAJE State Finals
- Saturday March 16th (17th for snow day)
- Division 1 will be at the high school and division 2 will be at the middle school
- There will be food at the high school and snacks only at the middle school
- Everyone will be at the high school for awards
- 2 working stages and 2 working PAs
- there will be ~20 bands
- most bands generally stick around
- Total number is dependent on number of bands that qualify
PMA Secretary
- Motion to approve minutes from January 2024 PMA meeting
- Seconded and approved
- Financial Report – Overview/Key points – reviewed
- PMA purchased Celtic strings sweatshirts – Ms Bedard has them and when sold will provide the money to PMA
- Consider providing more small sizes at elementary and middle school events
- Upcoming ‘planned’ expenses (if any)
- Food and concessions for Jazz – no amount yet but need approval to cover
- Seconded and approved
- Tax filing submitted in December – status on acceptance/next step if any (carry over from Jan meeting)
- Submitted and received approval
Co-Presidents/Board members:
- Notes from Fine Arts semi formal
- The event went well
- The room was nice and a good size
- A lot of the students didn’t know that there was ice cream available
- Wendy sent a thank you to the Four Points staff
- Continued discussion on Marching Band uniform and winter/rain coats
- Per Jeff, this has been submitted to the budget committee
Ways & Means
- Chipotle fundraising event on February 28th
- Plan to post on Facebook and NPS Tuesday flyers
- Plan for a Car Wash on May 11th
- Will start planning Chateau night fundraiser in April
- Suggestions for alternate options – Jersey Mike’s, Bertucci’s, Jake N Joe’s
- Pasta fundraiser – should we do it again?
- Feedback was that it seemed expensive
- Update on other proposals (Hometown Arcade, TopGolf)
- TopGolf requires organized group $10 per with a minimum of 40 people
- usually 2 hours
- could purchase food or leave to individual
- could we still do raffle and prizes
- extend to students and parents
- suggestion to consider ½ day
- they have heaters at TopGolf, but may choose to have in better weather
- consider put something out to test interest
- waiting to get more information to decide
- TopGolf requires organized group $10 per with a minimum of 40 people
- Consider paint night for fundraising – ship materials to paint at home or location with virtual guidance – could consider partnering with FOVA (Friends of Visual Arts)
- Question on how we can find our niche thing
- Merchandise
- We should evaluate the ability to place orders online
- Day Street Sports had something similar which they do for all sports
- Will talk to Straight Stitch as well
Other Business
- Outreach efforts to increase Marching Band participation
- Steve C. is going to the middle school band regularly
- Jeff K. and Jennifer H. are going down to the middle school as well
- Students are going down as student ambassadors
- Working with guidance to ensure opportunity
- Ways to increase parent participation in PMA meetings/search for next board members
- Should we consider having meetings earlier
- Consider providing/supporting virtual option for next year
- Will plan on keeping meetings at NHS moving forward
- Feedback on flyers – “Where families make music together”
- suggestion to consider new slogan or add description of PMA purpose on flyers
- We should always include a link to the PMA website and Facebook page on all flyers
- In general, we need to re-evaluate marketing
- Signs at all the events
- Parent meetings at the beginning of the season
- Ask for teacher assistance to start communication at elementary/middle school – pass out flyers or include in monthly newsletter
- Mimic PTO sign up sheets for volunteer opportunities for PMA flyer
- Promo video – how do we push it out? Could we play at each show?
Motion to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Next meeting
- Tuesday, March 5th – 7 p.m. at the Norwood High School Library
Minutes compiled by Sherri Munro, Recording Secretary