Norwood High School, Library
Call to Order: 7:05 PM
Welcome by Paul Campbell, President
Attendance: Paul Campbell, Tracey Jones, Patrick Marquis, Ed Ferris, Amy Doherty Nee, Marcia Leonard, Kristen Serratore, Janice Hall, Becca Jackson, Kathie Umbay, Sasha Guliaeff, Jeanna Ayoub, Steve Ayoub, Patty Souza, Mollie Caravello, Tony Caravello, Steven Lee, Linda Lee
- Approval of Last Month’s Meeting Minutes: Paul Campbell
Motion made and seconded to approve the meeting minutes of February 2020:
Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Tracey Jones
- Good news from February: $6,372 from town for reimbursement for coach and truck for music camp for 2019. Still some outstanding reimbursements.
- Snowflake ball broke even.
- Big chunk of money went out for Great East, should be reimbursed. If cancelled, don’t know if we will get $ back.
- Did not get anything for Norwood Day yet.
- If MICCA choral weekend is cancelled, we need to have a PARTY (!!) and cook hotdogs, lots of hot dogs!!
- Stock market has affected our Fidelity account; will leave it alone.
Motion made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report of February 2020:
Motion approved.
- Vice President: Patrick Marquis
- Reviewed PMA board officer positions for next year. Ways and means still needs to be filled.
- Amy will coordinate an email to send out to large group of marching band parents by high school secretary.
- Next year will have marching band committee to assign parents a job based on what their kid is in marching band.
- Ways & Means: Janice, Kristen, & Marcia
- Will possibly put in last order for merch before end of year.
- Ed – Norwood Day. We will do it; need to figure out what we will have (no sausages this year). Maybe smoothies?
- Paul – Do we want to do the mattress sale again? Maybe Spring of 2021?
- Jazz Night & Jazz update: Becca Jackson
- MAJE States – we are not doing it any more. Was moved to Oliver Ames; they might need our help? Might shift back and forth with OA in future.
- Question for Steve/Cathy: When do we need to make a decision about Jazz night (4/15), whether to cancel or not.
- Becca will email Blue Hills Country Club to see how late we can cancel.
- Choral Update: Patty Souza
- March 18 maybe choral MICCA preview concert; can we sponsor dinner.
- Volunteer ID – need method to identify volunteers (kids, parents). Ways & means will make “Volunteer” buttons. Kids need to return button to get sign off for volunteer time.
- Quorum: 2019/2020 PMA Board, there are eleven (11) voting Board Members. In order to have a quorum, six (6) Board Members must be present.
- NEXT PMA meeting: April 8, 2020 7PM, NHS Library
Adjourned at 8:00 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Amy Doherty Nee