Norwood PMA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Norwood High School Drama Room
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:14 pm with a quorum present.
Wendy Keats (Co-President), Gigi Michalec (Vice President), Dany Abdallah (Treasurer), Sherri Munro (Secretary), Siuyen Matthews, Bill Maguire, Steve Conant
- Welcome by Gigi
- CONGRATULATIONS to the new 2024-2025 PMA Board!
- President – Gigi Michalec
- Vice President – Siuyen Matthews
- Secretary – Kelly Farewell
- Treasurer – Dany Abdallah
- Ways & Means – OPEN
Director of Fine Arts update
- Jeff Kerr not present
- Steve Conant provided update:
- Thank you to PMA for support throughout the year.
- Marching Band:
- 32-33 students here, interest by a few more (most came back)
- This year 6th graders becoming 7th graders next year have been invited to join
- Recruitment efforts continue
- Next rehearsal is July 9th
- Pending announcement for show this next year
- Camp paperwork and notices including PMA payment options were delivered tonight
- Wendy will also post on Facebook with instructions to email Mr. Conant
- Plans to include information in the town local papers
- Discussion about alternative to Six Flags:
- Urban Air Adventure Park in Bellingham
- Hometown Arcade in Norwood (maybe for an evening event – social eve during band camp week)
- Breezy Picnic Grounds & Waterslides in Douglas
- Water Wizz in East Wareham – of note, will not be able to get coach bus with wet clothes
- Need to get feedback from Ms. Hartnet for chorale students
- Gigi will email Mr. Conant the list options and costs for further review and agreement by Ms. Hartnet and Mr. Kerr
- Upcoming event of note: Kyle Leonard put together a tribute to Paul Alberta for the Norwood Concerts On The Common Sunday, July 7, 2024 6:30-8:30pm. First day of band camp performance ends at 5pm. Encourage all to attend.
PMA Secretary
- Motion to approve minutes from April 2024 PMA meeting
- Seconded and approved
- Financial Report – brief overview
- Mr. Conant is following up on outstanding payments for MICCA band/jazz events
- Motion to approve financial report
- Seconded and approved
Co-Presidents/Board members:
- PMA funding and financing music events
- started to create spreadsheet with all events with PMA vs Town financing
- Increase participation/volunteering; ways to reach elementary and CMS parents
- Jeff planning on creating videos to advertise what PMA does
- Will have 6th graders next year so more parents might become engaged
- Need teachers to involve PMA more with parents
- Call mandatory marching band parent meeting with refreshments – stay after drop student off (Paul Campbell used to do that) – Mr Conant can send invite
- Prepare list of volunteer opportunities and ask parents to sign up for one opening
- Get emails and phone numbers
- Who comes to camp, have their information for mailing list
- First message sent to parents, give consent to provide email address to PMA
- Open house night might be another opportunity
- Band Uniforms:
- We don’t have many smaller uniforms for new 6th/7th grade students, so will need to do some adjustments
- Request to order nicer rain jackets for next year
- Siuyen will look into pricing
- Hand off/transition to new PMA board
- Will schedule another meeting for formal hand off toward the end of the summer
- Dany needs to prepare documents for transition to new board effective Sept 1st
- In August send document for state and go to bank to transition president to sign checks
- SignUp Genius’ from past year under PMASecretary email for transition and reuse
- Need to recruit for Ways and Means
Ways & Means
- Linda Lee not present but communicated that she will review and prepare fundraising information to hand off to new committee member
Other Business
- Norwood Day
- Siuyen will complete and submit application
- Planning for band camp
- Wendy share more detailed notes from last year
- Gary from Straight Stitch for T shirts
- Every other day event worked well
- Plan meeting for July 9th
Motion to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Next meeting
- Pending schedule for 2024-2025 school year
Minutes compiled by Sherri Munro, Recording Secretary