Norwood PMA Monthly Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Norwood High School Library
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm with a quorum present.
Wendy Keats and Eneida Shkurti (Co-Presidents), Gigi Michalec (Vice President), Dany Abdallah (Treasurer), Sherri Munro (Secretary), Jeff Kerr (Director of Fine Arts), Steven Lee (Ways & Means and Special Fundraising Committee), Siuyen Matthews, Bebhinn O’Connell, Bill Maguire, Dan Caparrotta
- Welcome by Eneida Shkurti, PMA President
- CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Conant for receiving the 2024 Paul Smith Hall of Fame Conductor of the Year Award!!
Director of Fine Arts update
- MICCA to present award at all state
- Marshfield tonight and silver at SE therefore able to participate
- Division II at HS and Division I at CMS
- 2 students at ACDA this weekend in providence
- Junior district festival this weekend
- First rehearsal of honors ensemble last weekend
- March 16th MAJE at NHS/CMS
- Week of March 18th MICCA dress rehearsal
- Tues band
- Wed choral
- Hope to bring in mock clinicians to work with band students
- looking to do same for choral next year
- March 22-23 All State
- Honors ensemble concert April 10th
- Jeff worked with GoFan re: online ticketing – still building out auditorium seating chart but hoping to use this spring – tap & go general admission tickets
- Working on better messaging around department expectations for PMA support
- Choral MICCA – still waiting to hear back on what they are providing and looking at costs and reimbursement as host site
- hosting 2 days
- questions as to how we are being reimbursed
- Jeff sent email to clarify reimbursement
- submit judges food receipts to Fine Arts dept – MICCA choral – question about reimbursement by MICCA
PMA Secretary
- Motion to approve minutes from February 2024 PMA meeting
- Seconded and approved
- Financial Report – brief overview
- Jazz classic
- Still 5 band who haven’t paid
- Review of payments last year for the month of March
- Need to approve spending for MAJE
- Wendy and Siuyien completed inventory of closet
- Need mainly soda and water and small amount of candy – est $300-400
- Ask Steve C. to message Jazz parents for donations of water/soda
- Jeff submitted invoices for Jazz band – each (Jazz clinicians over February break) – 5 clinicians
- Motion for payment made, seconded and approved
Co-Presidents/Board members:
- Norwood Jazz Classic, February 15th (comments/takeaways)
- Went well
- Good feedback from other schools
- Next event – MAJE March 16th
- PMA board/organizers need the partnership/help for matters related to bands/directors/judges
- Coakley – proposal to sell pizza – do we need approval from the principal?
- Looking for different place to keep food away from gear in front entrance
- Table or 2 down stairs near library
- Jeff to ask
- Communication to traffic to schools – practice, perform & leave vs stay and watch
- Do not arrive too early as storing gear is difficult
- Parking may be an issue with construction – need to message where to park
- Who communicates with MAJE? Should be a site manager for every event – assuming it is Steve but will confirm
- Will be sending out SignUp Genius for volunteers at both locations
- Need to push more, particularly to have extra audio – recruit student runners like last year – Steve to create volunteer sign up and assign
- Should have a couple of board members attend the morning meeting
- Whoever is bringing breakfast food
- Wendy to attend
- Sound people for CMS and NHS should be there early
- Will do sandwich platter to allow variety – judges have 30 minute break
- Consider borrowed printer in judges room for certificates
- Try salads no burgers
- Will sell donuts at concessions
- Per Steve:
- at least 2 sound engineers at each site
- there should be a program from MAJE
- Jeff to verify liaison to follow up on programs
- Whoever is bringing breakfast food
- Choral MICCA – expected expenses
- Motion to approve spending, seconded and approved
Ways & Means
- Chipotle fundraiser, Feb. 28th: $158.10 profit
- April Fundraiser – Jake’n Joes – Thursday April 25th
- Still working on details for Top Golf options – looking at May
Other Business
- Any news about camp this year?
- Move going forward keeping it in Norwood
- How can we create similar experiences locally?
- Add more fun after day of work
- Can we ask graduated seniors to be mentors?
- Norwood Arcade is an option to block off for group
- Deliver fun to field, such as water slide
- Will talk it over with Steve to brainstorm how to make it more fun
- Suggestion made for younger kids – roller skating/laser tag, Launch
- Consider every other day fun
- Or find something musically valuable – one afternoon bring in group to watch
- Right now August 11-16th after DCI
- Need to communicate breakdown of costs for camps
- Working to build instructor fees into stipend
Motion to Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Next meeting
- Tuesday, April 2nd at 7 p.m. in the Norwood High School Library
Minutes compiled by Sherri Munro, Recording Secretary